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Igbo Language
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A calamity that brings down a great man will annihilate a pauper.
A laborer is worthy of his pay.
A man's gifts make room for him.
A sheep that is eager to grow horn should ask the ran how its neck feels
A stitch in time saves nine.
Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
An innocent person may pay for the sins of another
An innocent person may pay for the sins of another.
An unchecked problem grows to become a nuisance.
Any one who is well trained in a skill will stand the test of time.
Birds of the same feather flock together.
By the things people say are able to determine their motive.
By their fruits you shall know them.
Children learn bad behaviour from their parents.
Communal effort has a multiplier effect.
Comparative advantage is for a moment; it is only for a moment and subject to change.
Curiosity kills the cat.
Deceit thrives in the gathering together of the cunning.
Do not be a hypocrite.
Do not do things just because others are doing it.
Do not take more than what is permissible of your neighbours belonging.
Do not waste your effort over endeavours that are beyond your resources just to impress the crowd.
Do your part and leave the rest to fate or God
Don't make casual threats in public. Lest you be held responsible for another man's action.
Each day will offer brand new opportunities.
Even the bravest of men would rather avoid unnecessary pain or stress.
Every one strives to maintain his/her estate.
Every one will bear the responsibilities of his/ her actions.
Every one would occasionally feel they are being treated unjustly.
Everyone is king or queen of his or her castle.
Experience the best teacher.
Figure it out your self.
Give honour to whom it is due.
Give respect to whom it is due irrespective of size or stature.
"Given the right opportunity, every one will likely excel.
Good conscience is a powerful weapon of war . Those that strive to have it will ultimately prevail.
Hard work precedes merriment.
He who has ear should hear.
"If an egg cracks a kernel, the stone is put to shame.
"If you hint the wise they make use of it, but the fool will use it foolishly
If you overlook the seemingly minor, it will in time overwhelm you.
Igbo language is rich in idioms.
It doesn't matter the means, we all end up the same.
It is often difficult to forsee how some persons could inteprete once actionin certain quarters.
It pays to put all cards on the table. A deferred discourse prolongs the problem.
It takes an insider unveil hidden secrets.
Key figure must be present for an important function.
Let us do the correct thing; there are those who will understand.
Life's goals are achieved by a slow and steady persistent effort.
Little foxes that spoil the vine.
Live and let live.
Mediocre flourish in the absence of intelligent and more qualified people.
No man is an island.
Not even the counsellor is infallible.
Not everyone is willing to pay the price for becoming wealthy.
Nothing satisfies like the real thing.
Occasionally some individuals get more than a fare share of misfortune.
One good turn deserves another.
Opportunity comes to some people that do not know how to use it.
People always flock around high profile hoping to get a slice of the beef.
People are drawn to their source of satisfaction.
People cast off restraint after much persevering.
People expend resources based on a scale of preference.
People loose respect when they fail to live up to what is expected of them.
Prudence is rewarding.
Salutation is not love
Some complex problems have simple solution.
Some things you despise will continue to be indispensable whether you like it or not.
Something is wrong with a person that failed the obvious
Surprises make and break the brave.
Taylor your strategy to the challenge.
The aggressor does always not win.
The arrogant will fails to give credit to whom it is due.
The cash cow always belongs to some one other than ones self.
The mediocre brags in the absence of the grand masters.
The rot on a system is always within.
The unimaginable will happen.
The wasteful will never get wealthy.
The wise learns from the good examples as well as the follies of others.
The wise operate within their limits.
The wise uses counsel wisely but the foolish abuse it.
The young abuse freedom of speech because the elderly exercise restraint.
There is a ripe time for every thing.
There is a time for every thing. Do not jump the gun.
Those that are doomed for destruction would not heed any warning.
Those that do not heed counsel are bound to have an unhappy ending.
Those that do not heed counsel are bound to have an unhappy ending.
Those that often boast of great accomplishments often get humbled by menial tasks.
Those who loudly demand to be heard in a friendly gathering have been bingeing on other peoples booze.
"Those who routinely claim to thrive on great endeavours, often fail in minor but important tasks."
Through nature, God helps the helpless. "
Travelling and networking affords you more learning opportunity than simply living long.
Trouble is not infectious. It is contracted.
Understanding of wisdom and discretion comes with age not just to the swift and strong.
Unusual actions attract un usual consequences.
What ever will be will be.
"What ever you do, some body is watching. "
Wisdom is fundamental for intelligent people.
You still have to study acquired books to gain knowledge.
You can not eat your cake and have it.
You can only deprive people of there right for so long.
You do not depend on others to fix your problem.
You do not have to struggle for every thing; nature does take its due course.
You know people�s intention by what they say
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